DACA#Daca is a federal government program created in 2012 under Barack Obama to allow people brought to the US illegally as children the temporary right to live, study and work in America. The Trump administration announced that it planned to scrap Daca, the program that gives temporary protection to undocumented migrants who arrived in the US as children. Attorney general Jeff Sessions said that they would put an end to this program in March 2018, which would end up throwing over 800,000 into fear.

DACA 3Those protected under Daca are known as “Dreamers” – by the time Trump announced his decision to rescind the program, 787,580 had been granted approval. To apply, they must have been younger than 31 on 15 June 2012, when the program began. They also must have arrived in the US before turning 16 and lived there continuously since June 2007.

I personally think that Trump’s intentions of doing this is for the better of the United States economically. Many people view him as a racist for many reasons including this one. Trump is in a tough position and has to do what is best for the United States and not the people. All in all, I think it was very thoughtful for Barack Obama to go under this federal government program but Trump will “Make America Great Again,” and he will do as needed to make that happen.

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